Registering and/or changing your activities




An operator operating in the food chain in Belgium cannot carry out any activities without first being registered, approved or authorised by the FASFC.
Approval, authorisation or registration is required, depending on the risk associated with the activity concerned.
Approval is required for activities posing a high risk to food safety. An administrative investigation and a preliminary site inspection are necessary before approval can be granted.
Authorisation is required for activities posing a medium risk to food safety. An administrative investigation and, if necessary, a preliminary site inspection are required authorisation can be granted.
Registration is required for activities posing a low risk to food safety. Notification is required before the registration can be granted. Please find below the legislation regarding the applications to be submitted to be able to carry out these activities, how these applications can be submitted, and the details of each activity.


Legislation and circulars

Royal Decree of 16 January 2006 (PDF) (Belgian Official Gazette of 2 March 2006) laying down the details of the approvals, authorisations and prior registrations issued by the FASFC.
Introduction to the Royal Decree of 16 January 2006
(NUMAC No 2005023114 – to consult the coordinated version)

Royal Decree of 8 August 2008 (PDF) (Belgian Official Gazette of 22 September 2008) establishing the special modalities for notification for the purposes of registration or for applying for authorisation and/or approval with the FASFC.
AnnexApplication form for registration, authorisation and/or approval
(NUMAC No 2008018234 – to consult the coordinated version)

Circular on butchery schools (PCCB/S3/574427)

Circular of 11 January 2013 (PDF) concerning approvals, authorisations and prior registrations issued by the FASFC.
- Annex 1 (PDF) Activities subject to approval, authorisation or registration by the Agency.
- Annex 2 (PDF) Establishments whose activities are subject to approval by the Agency.
- Annex 3 (PDF) Establishments whose activities are subject to authorisation by the Agency.


Registering and/or changing your activities

Below, you will find a range of information to determine which activities are offered and must be applied for in advance in order to be able to perform them.

IMPORTANT: applying to carry out an activity does not exempt you from legal obligations outside the FASFC’s remit, such as VAT, CBE, social security, etc.

FASFC activity list
This list contains the details of the activities categorised by the FASFC, their descriptions and their codes (PL = location; AC = activity; PR = product) to be indicated on your application form. By using filters to narrow down your selection, you can get an overview of the possible activities you are looking for.

Activity sheets
The activity sheets provide a detailed description and definition of each activity and the information relating to it (code, sector, mandatory and implicit activities, sector guide, documents required when applying, etc.).

Application for approval of floor plans by LCU operators
For certain activities subject to authorisation, and for all activities subject to approval, floor plans of the establishment must be submitted for approval.

Application form for registration, authorisation and/or approval
You must complete this application form to indicate your future activities and/or to change the activities you perform and/or your contact details (e.g. for a VVZRL).

Conditions for approval and authorisation
For activities requiring approval or authorisation, this page provides an overview of the additional information to be included in the application, and the legal requirements specific to the activity.

FAQ on approval, authorisation and registration


Other procedures

Application for approval of ground plans by LCU operators: you can submit your floor plans for approval to the competent department of your LCU.

Sale or supply of foodstuffs to end consumers (B2C):
Obligation to display the certificate of authorisation or registration for establishments engaged in the sale or supply of foodstuffs to end consumers (B2C).


 Useful links



Last updated: 08/01/2025