Fertilising products

Various groups of products are marketed to fertilise crops and to improve the quality of soil, including fertilisers, soil improvers, growing media, sewage sludge or related products.


A fertiliser, soil improver, growing media, sewage sludge or related products can only be marketed in Belgium if the fertilising product:

Fertilising products not listed in any of the above-mentioned annexes can still be placed on the Belgian market with a derogation. Sewage sludge requires an authorisation.

Fertilisers, soil improvers and growing media containing animal by-products, must comply with Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and Regulation (EU) 142/2011 

Belgian and European legislation is summarized in the ELI Fertilizer document. By clicking on the links in the document you will always obtain the latest consolidated version of the legislation.

Competent authorities

The derogations and authorisations are granted by the Plant Protection Products and Fertilisers Department of the FPS Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment (FPS-HSFCE). This department is also responsible for drafting the product standards and assesses the safety of these products for humans, plants, animals and the food chain as their agricultural value (activity). More information and contact details can be found on their website.

Compliance with these product standards is monitored by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain. In addition, the Agency is also authorised for the registration and recognition of the companies.

Last updated: 03/12/2024