As a company (enterprise or establishment unit) active in the food chain, you can manage your own access to the Foodweb portal and its applications:
- Companies that already have access to Foodweb should follow the steps described in the Quick-start guide to the Foodweb portal (PDF)
- Companies that do not yet have access to Foodweb should refer to the Quick-start guide to Foodweb – apply for access (PDF)
Additional information can be found in the user manual (PDF)
In Foodweb, you can consult your own file and all previous declarations and invoices. You can also use this tool to submit an application to register or change your activities in the food chain.
To find out exactly what you need to do, consult the Manual for operators (PDF)
You can also check using the public section of Foodweb whet her your suppliers are known to the FASFC. This public section is accessible to everyone (no password needed). Need more information? Foodweb for consumers.