The obligation to notify any suspicion of an official animal disease is defined in the Royal Decree of 14 November 2003 concerning the auto-checking, reporting obligation and traceability in the food chain, that stipulates that every operator must immediately inform the FASFC when he is of the opinion or has reason to believe that a product that he has imported, produced, grown, cultivated, bred, treated, manufactured or handled, could harm the health of humans, animals or plants. The ministerial decision of 22 January 2004 lays down the modalities concerning this obligation to notify with the Local Control Units of the Agency.
These stipulations are also applicable to primary production (agricultural producers) whether it concerns the rearing of cattle or plant production. The farm veterinarian must sign the animal disease reporting form.
The procedures for the mandatory notification of animal diseases are laid down in the Royal Decree of 3 February 2014 designating animal diseases applicable under chapter III of the animal health law of 24 March 1987 governing the obligation to declare.